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21. Where’s the Booze? │Part II

Perhaps it’s not worth going to Arcadia in winter. It’s better to stay in the city center. Start with a Drunken Cherry (П’яна Вишня) at a kiosk on Derybasivska, have a beer or two at the Irish pub, and then walk a little further, around the corner a block away, to the Youth. Молодість, like many eating and drinking places in Ukraine, belongs to a chain. It’s a restaurant, bar, club, and dance venue all in one. The interior, look, and style are an ironic throwback to the Soviet era, specifically the 50s and 60s.The menu is emphatically eatery-style, while the plates are thick clay, adorned with two blue stripes and the word “Молодість” in red. One can eat everything from buckwheat porridge to meatballs, and there’s also a selection of Odesan dishes such as forshmak, shrimp, or pancakes with chicken and mushrooms. The dishes have cute names: “Home Alone” is boiled potatoes with sausages, and “Dad’s Fries” come with fried pieces of beef, mushrooms, and cream sauce. Beer is served in half-

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20. Where’s the booze? │Part I

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